#8 How quickly does a river cut through rock?

Read this article in 4 levels: Basic A1 (英検3級), Intermediate B1(英検2級), Advanced C1(英検1級), original version. Multiple choice content questions for each level. Free English reading practice. The more you read in English, the more your English will improve. How quickly does a river cut through rock?

Basic A1 (英検3級) Version:

  1. What is the Grand Canyon?
    a) A big lake
    b) A deep canyon made by a river
    c) A mountain
    d) A kind of rock
  2. What kind of rocks are in the Grand Canyon?
    a) Granite
    b) Sandstone and limestone
    c) Basalt
    d) Marble
  3. What helps a river cut through rock faster?
    a) Soft rocks
    b) Hard rocks
    c) Cold water
    d) Flat land
  4. What does the Colorado River carry that helps it erode rocks?
    a) Air
    b) Sand and small rocks
    c) Fish
    d) Trees
  5. Why does the Amazon River flow quickly?
    a) It is very wide
    b) It starts in high mountains
    c) It has no rocks
    d) It is very short
  6. How does acidic water affect limestone?
    a) It makes it harder
    b) It dissolves the rock
    c) It turns into sand
    d) It makes the water blue
  7. What is the most important factor in how quickly a river cuts through rock?
    a) The kind of rock
    b) The color of the water
    c) The temperature
    d) The amount of sunlight
  8. How long did it take for the Colorado River to form the Grand Canyon?
    a) 1 million years
    b) 5 or 6 million years
    c) 10,000 years
    d) 100,000 years
  9. What is one thing that does not help a river erode rock?
    a) A lot of water
    b) Acidic water
    c) Hard rocks
    d) Sand and small rocks
  10. What can we assume if a river has cut down through a plain?
    a) The plain is made of hard rock
    b) The plain is made of soft rock
    c) The river is slow
    d) The river is new


  1. b) A deep canyon made by a river
  2. b) Sandstone and limestone
  3. a) Soft rocks
  4. b) Sand and small rocks
  5. b) It starts in high mountains
  6. b) It dissolves the rock
  7. a) The kind of rock
  8. b) 5 or 6 million years
  9. c) Hard rocks
  10. b) The plain is made of soft rock

Intermediate B1 (英検2級) Version:

  1. What is the primary factor that affects how quickly a river can erode rock?
    a) The type of rock
    b) The temperature of the water
    c) The color of the water
    d) The presence of fish
  2. What kind of rock forms the upper layers of the Grand Canyon?
    a) Granite
    b) Limestone and sandstone
    c) Basalt
    d) Marble
  3. How does the sediment in the river help in erosion?
    a) It makes the water warmer
    b) It acts like sandpaper to wear down the rock
    c) It slows down the water
    d) It prevents erosion
  4. What is the flow rate of the Colorado River when it was eroding the Grand Canyon?
    a) 220 million liters per second
    b) 109,557 liters per second
    c) 100,000 liters per second
    d) 50,000 liters per second
  5. Why does the Amazon River flow so quickly?
    a) It is very wide
    b) It starts in high mountains and flows to sea level
    c) It has no rocks
    d) It is the longest river
  6. How does acidic water affect limestone? a) It makes it stronger
    b) It dissolves the rock
    c) It turns it into sand
    d) It makes the water blue
  7. Why might the Colorado River not have created the Grand Canyon if the rock had been granite?
    a) Granite is too soft
    b) Granite is harder and more resistant to erosion
    c) Granite is only found in mountains
    d) Granite does not react to acidic water
  8. What role does the volume of water in a river play in erosion?
    a) It determines the color of the water
    b) More water means more sediment can be carried, increasing erosion
    c) It slows down the erosion process
    d) It makes the water clearer
  9. What happens when limestone is exposed to acidic water?
    a) It gets stronger
    b) It turns into carbon dioxide and water
    c) It becomes granite
    d) It forms new rocks
  10. What makes the question of how quickly a river can erode rock complex?
    a) There are many factors involved
    b) The answer is simple
    c) Only the Colorado River can erode rock quickly
    d) Rivers do not erode rock


  1. a) The type of rock
  2. b) Limestone and sandstone
  3. b) It acts like sandpaper to wear down the rock
  4. b) 109,557 liters per second
  5. b) It starts in high mountains and flows to sea level
  6. b) It dissolves the rock
  7. b) Granite is harder and more resistant to erosion
  8. b) More water means more sediment can be carried, increasing erosion
  9. b) It turns into carbon dioxide and water
  10. a) There are many factors involved

Advanced C1 (英検1級) Version:

  1. What are the primary factors that determine how quickly a river can erode rock?
    a) Temperature and wind speed
    b) Type of rock, sediment load, water volume and speed, acidity
    c) The presence of vegetation
    d) The river’s length and width
  2. Why is the type of rock crucial in determining erosion speed?
    a) Harder rocks erode faster
    b) Softer rocks, like sedimentary rocks, are more easily eroded
    c) All rocks erode at the same rate
    d) Erosion does not depend on the type of rock
  3. How did the Colorado River form the Grand Canyon?
    a) By flowing slowly over millions of years
    b) By eroding sedimentary rocks under specific conditions
    c) By carrying very little sediment
    d) By moving through granite
  4. What role does sediment play in river erosion?
    a) It speeds up the erosion process by acting like sandpaper
    b) It slows down the river’s flow
    c) It has no effect on erosion
    d) It only affects the color of the water
  5. How does the volume of water in a river affect erosion?
    a) Larger volumes of water carry more sediment and have more energy for erosion
    b) Volume has no effect on erosion
    c) Smaller volumes of water erode faster
    d) Volume affects only the river’s depth
  6. What happens when limestone is exposed to acidic water?
    a) It hardens
    b) It dissolves, turning into carbon dioxide and water
    c) It changes color
    d) It becomes more resistant to erosion
  7. Why might the Grand Canyon not exist if the rock had been granite?
    a) Granite is too soft to form a canyon
    b) Granite is harder and more resistant to erosion
    c) Granite is only found underwater
    d) Granite cannot form sedimentary layers
  8. How has the acidity of rivers changed due to atmospheric conditions?
    a) Rivers have become more acidic due to increased carbon dioxide absorption
    b) Rivers have become less acidic
    c) Acidity has remained the same
    d) Acidity is unrelated to atmospheric conditions
  9. What is a major factor in the Amazon River’s high flow rate?
    a) Its width
    b) Its source in high mountains and descent to sea level
    c) Its short length
    d) Its lack of sediment
  10. What makes the question of river erosion speed complex?
    a) It is influenced by multiple interrelated factors
    b) It has a straightforward answer
    c) Only one factor is important
    d) Rivers do not erode rock


  1. b) Type of rock, sediment load, water volume and speed, acidity
  2. b) Softer rocks, like sedimentary rocks, are more easily eroded
  3. b) By eroding sedimentary rocks under specific conditions
  4. a) It speeds up the erosion process by acting like sandpaper
  5. a) Larger volumes of water carry more sediment and have more energy for erosion
  6. b) It dissolves, turning into carbon dioxide and water
  7. b) Granite is harder and more resistant to erosion
  8. a) Rivers have become more acidic due to increased carbon dioxide absorption
  9. b) Its source in high mountains and descent to sea level
  10. a) It is influenced by multiple interrelated factors

Original Version:

  1. What is the primary factor affecting how quickly a river can erode rock?
    a) The river’s length
    b) The type of rock
    c) The presence of wildlife
    d) The amount of sunlight
  2. What type of rock forms the upper layers of the Grand Canyon?
    a) Basalt
    b) Granite
    c) Limestone and sandstone
    d) Marble
  3. How does sediment in the river contribute to erosion?
    a) By acting like sandpaper and gradually scraping the rock
    b) By slowing down the water flow
    c) By dissolving in the water
    d) By making the water clearer
  4. What is the significance of the Colorado River’s flow rate?
    a) It determines the river’s length
    b) It influences the amount of sediment the river can carry and its erosive power
    c) It has no impact on erosion
    d) It only affects the river’s speed
  5. How does the Amazon River’s elevation difference contribute to its flow rate?
    a) It causes the river to slow down
    b) It increases the river’s speed due to gravity
    c) It makes the river flow uphill
    d) It has no effect on the river’s speed
  6. What happens when limestone is exposed to acidic water?
    a) It turns into sand
    b) It dissolves, forming carbon dioxide and water
    c) It becomes harder
    d) It changes color
  7. Why might the Colorado River not have formed the Grand Canyon if the rock had been granite?
    a) Granite is softer than sandstone
    b) Granite is harder and more resistant to erosion
    c) Granite is only found in mountains
    d) Granite dissolves in acidic water
  8. How does the volume of water in a river affect erosion?
    a) Larger volumes allow the river to carry more sediment and erode more effectively
    b) Smaller volumes increase erosion
    c) Volume has no impact on erosion
    d) Volume only affects the river’s width
  9. What is the effect of increased acidity in rivers?
    a) It enhances the erosion of softer rocks like limestone
    b) It has no effect on erosion
    c) It slows down the erosion process
    d) It makes the water clearer
  10. Why is the question of how quickly a river can erode rock complex?
    a) Because it depends on multiple interrelated factors
    b) Because it has a simple answer
    c) Because only one factor is important
    d) Because rivers do not erode rock


  1. b) The type of rock
  2. c) Limestone and sandstone
  3. a) By acting like sandpaper and gradually scraping the rock
  4. b) It influences the amount of sediment the river can carry and its erosive power
  5. b) It increases the river’s speed due to gravity
  6. b) It dissolves, forming carbon dioxide and water
  7. b) Granite is harder and more resistant to erosion
  8. a) Larger volumes allow the river to carry more sediment and erode more effectively
  9. a) It enhances the erosion of softer rocks like limestone
  10. a) Because it depends on multiple interrelated factors

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